About Us
Our Parish History
Saint Stephen has been a beacon of Roman Catholic spirituality, a second home, an extension of the family, a place where lifelong friendships have formed, an excellent school offering values-based education, a warm and friendly community, a new beginning for some, and a final resting place for others.
Archbishop John J. Mitty appointed our first pastor, Rev. Richard W. Power, in August 1950 when our parish was formed. Our first mass was celebrated in the basement of our temporary rectory at 475 Eucalyptus Drive. Fourteen parishioners received communion at that mass and subsequent Sundays were standing-room only.
Helen Tinny, the matriarch of one of our first families, counted 192 school-age children in our first census who needed a place to learn. Father Power was called to active duty and Rev. Joseph A. Donworth was appointed administration in May 1951 and pastor in June 1952 serving through 1972.
Father O'Reilly once commented that "no matter where he went in San Francisco, there was always someone from St. Stephen involved." In other words, our parish's good works and community service extends far beyond its boundaries.
St. Stephen Parish has much to recall and many reasons to rejoice but most importantly, it has a very promising future.

- 1950~St. Stephen Parish founded
- 1952~School opens with 164 student in Grades 1-5
- 1953~New Church at 473 Eucalyptus opens on Easter Sunday
- 1957~New Convent opens on school grounds
- 1964~New Church at 601 Eucalyptus dedicated by Archbishop Joseph T. McGucken. Former church converted into "Donworth Hall"
- 1972~Father Joseph R. O'Reilly appointed as third pastor
- 1979~Rev. Mr. Gary West ordained as permanent deacon
- 1986~After hours day care program began
- 1987~Father William Knapp appointed as fourth pastor
- 1992~Father Mario Farana appointed as fifth pastor. Donworth Hall converted to multipurpose center
- 1993~Father John Wester appointed as sixth pastor. Father Sean Corcoran serves as administrator pro temporare
- 1997~Father Joseph Walsh appointed as seventh pastor
- 1998~Former convent converted into "O'Reilly Parish Center"
- 2000~New school wing opens
- 2006~Campaign for new Parish Center to replace "Donworth Hall" begins
- 2008~Demolition of Donworth Hall & Construction of new gym/hall begins
- 2009~St. Stephen Parish Center opens and dedicated by Bishop William Justice
- 2010~Father Paul F. Warren appointed as eighth pastor
- 2016~Father Tony P. LaTorre appointed as ninth pastor
- 2016~St. Stephen's Preschool opens doors
- 2021~Father Michael D. Liliedahl appointed as tenth pastor
- 2024~Father David A. Schunk appointed as eleventh pastor
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