Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation
St. Stephen Parish offers various opportunities for the continual formation of our Catholic Faith. There are guest speakers, mini-retreats, and days of reflection scheduled throughout the year, such as our Lenten Soup Suppers with guest speakers, or "A Grand Day" for grandparents and their grandchildren to come together for a one-day "Vacation Bible School" experience, or our Advent Wreath-making party.
St. Stephen's Book Club
St. Stephen's Book Club meets monthly on the second Saturday to discuss the selected book. Books chosen can be non-fiction with theology, meditative or self-help themes, or fiction with religious themes, or relevant to current affairs. While it is a Catholic book club we do not exclusively read Catholic authors. When we discuss books and their effect on us, we reserve the right to disagree with each other in a respectful way. We acknowledge that there is no "one way" to being a Catholic and respect each other's views and opinions.
Children's Faith Formation
Our Faith Formation program generally serves students in grades 1st - 8th who attend public schools or non-Catholic private schools. We meet on Monday afternoons through the school year to be educated in the Catholic Faith. Our program includes preparation for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Older students are also welcome and accepted.
The goals of the Faith Formation at St. Stephen's are:
- Ongoing conversion to Jesus Christ
- Full participation in the life of the Catholic Church
- To foster community among the students, their families and the parish community
- St. Stephen Church welcomes all children and youth, baptized or not, to participate in the catechetical program. Here is our current calendar. We meet Monday afternoons at 4:15 p.m. (except holidays) from mid-September through mid-May.

Grades 1-8
Catechesis (religious education) is offered on Monday afternoons between 4:15 pm to 5:30 pm during the school year. All classes meet inside St. Stephen Church, then after opening prayer and announcements, we move to the classrooms in the Parish Office at 451 Eucalyptus Drive, San Francisco. We teach the Catholic Faith to children who attend public schools or non-Catholic private schools. We prepare students to receive the Sacraments in conjunction with the St. Stephen School students.
First Reconciliation and First Communion usually take place in 2nd grade; Confirmation usually takes place in 8th grade. However, preparation for the sacraments is a 2-3 year process. We work with families to get their children caught up and prepared for receiving the Sacraments whichever grade they may be in.
Faith Formation Themes
- Jesus, our Savior
- Church and Community (Catholic Social Teaching)
- The Beatitudes and Morality
- The 10 Commandments and the Great Commandment
- The 7 Sacraments
- The Mystery of God, and the Church
- Scripture/The Word of God
- Church History
- View the Faith Formation Family Handbook.
Registration Fees
Registration fees help us to recover the cost of textbooks and classroom materials.
- $70 - first student
- $50 - second student in Family
- $40 - third student in Family
Additional Fee for Sacrament Preparation: $20 for First Holy Communion (2nd grade) or Confirmation (8th grade)
We ask for $20 per Family to help cover costs for snacks.]
*No child will be turned away because of financial need. Please contact us to inquire about scholarships. Email: Phone: (415) 681-2444 x4
Important Information
In conformity with Archdiocesan regulations, your child must participate in two years of Faith Formation before he/she can receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Likewise, he/she must complete Grade 6 and Grade 7 of the Faith Formation Program to enter Grade 8 for Confirmation preparation.
We will work with families to get children caught up and prepare them for the Sacraments.
St. Stephen's accepts registrations for the current school year at any time. You can register online. After registering please submit a copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate (we will make a photocopy and return the original to you). If your child needs to be Baptized we are happy to work with your family to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism. For further information, please contact our St. Stephen Faith Formation Office, (415) 681-2444, extension 4.
Children's Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy is offered during the 10:30 A.M. Mass on Sundays during the school year, and occasionally during the summer. No need to register. During Mass, before the First Reading, the young children (pre-school age through 1st grade) are invited to come forward and join the teacher in the sacristy. Parents are welcome to attend with their child. During the Liturgy of the Word the children are taught about the Gospel story in age-appropriate ways. Then the children rejoin their parents/guardians in the church for the remainder of Mass.